"It's strange, it's one man, it's Bud Selig. You know Bud, get a life."
Pete Rose
Sports Net Interview-http://www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/2008/02/06/rose_sportsnet_exclusive/
With that quote, he sealed his fate. He won't get in til the "Bud" leaves the Commissioners Office.
Selig's stench on the game is as strong as any Marijuana plant I've ever encountered.
Nine Time's out of Ten, Bud has harmed MLB then he has every helped it.
Aside from the Mid-90's Development of the Wildcard, there is not one thing this man has done to help the game.
Steroids, Player Strikes, Exaggerated Contracts and the All-Star game are all major blunders under his watch.
The Game is on the Map these days because of two chemically enhanced sluggers from 1998 who took it upon themselves to become the Premier show in the nation at a time John Elway, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretzky all were honing their skills in preseason.
Without them, the MLB is still 2nd fiddle.
Selig, Fix the HOF election's if you want the Hall to keep it's credibility as having the best and most influential of the game.
Bonds, who is a Modern Day Ruth should be in. Clemens, a modern Walter Johnson should be in. Mark McGwire, this generations Roger Maris should be in.
Maris had an *astericks* for over 40 years. I think it's time to expand it to the Hall as well.
Let Barry Bonds*, Roger Clemens* and Mark McGwire* have their day in cooperstown.
Just make sure there is an asteriks next to their name, as well as anyone else who is under question or having been proven to have caused the game harm.
Pete Rose* for 2013