Marc Andre Fleury, I am an Idiot.
I will continue to rock my White Reebok Practice Jersey with your name emblazoned upon the back and play with swagger in my Sport Gold Replica's of your old pads.
You beat the best in their house on the biggest stage of the game. You deserved that Conn Smythe after the game you played keeping the Wings at bay. You earned a share of that trophy with perhaps the most exciting save in Stanley Cup History, although it was in desperation.
Perhaps you can go back to "teh sportzgoldz beeboxers pads" that us hockey players fawned over as recently as a year ago.
Perhaps, you don't have to do a damn thing. Your the best at your position right now.
Enjoy that Cup. Take it apart. Eat cereal out of it. Find some kid to place inside the Lord Stanley's Chalace. Use it as a dog bowl. Throw it in a river for a night. Just don't defaecate in it (or at least don't tell anybody about it).